"Follow the character of Ali Dogan as he embarks on a transformative emotional, physical and spiritual journey from east to west in Deserts and Mountains, the new philosophical novel by Yilmaz Alimoglu. Frustrated with his business, career and family, Ali Dogan, an expatriate Turk living in Canada, turns to his spiritual adviser for guidance. The sheikh counsels Ali to embark on a journey in an attempt to understand the war in his heart and to examine ever more deeply the meanings of the separation from his wife and children, and of his journey. Ali is also instructed to keep a journal of his experiences, a map of his heart; out of this journal is born Deserts and Mountains. Ali leaves his adopted home on a trip which will take him to five countries on two continents, with no fixed agenda other than to reflect on his life. He first makes his way back to his family in Turkey, a visit that raises mixed emotions for the protagonist. Having endured physical and emotional abuseat the hands of Turkish state secret agents and his father, he struggles to cope with the effects as an adult. Ali, prompted to examine his life more profoundly, seeks a broader understanding of its significance, while critically analyzing the cultural context from which he has emerged.
Read more: iUniverse Book Review: Deserts and Mountains
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