About iUniverse

iUniverse is a self publishing company that makes it possible for writers to achieve the dream of becoming a published author. With leadership that brings expertise in publishing, sales and marketing and technology, iUniverse offers a unique mix of self-publishing products and services and the skills of a professional team dedicated to enabling authors to see their books in print. By offering a variety of affordable publishing, editorial and marketing services, iUniverse helps authors get their manuscripts off their desks and into the marketplace faster than traditional publishing companies.

If you are looking at online book publishing companies and want one that is fast, affordable and gives you more amenities than any other print-on-demand service, then iUniverse is for you. Their Select package offers authors a strong publishing package with excellent book selling capabilities and terrific help support helping it earn our TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award.

In addition, for authors who do not have the experience to market their own book, iUniverse offers an extensive array of up-to-date marketing services that you can purchase for an extra fee beyond the initial publication services package. These services include getting help from a personal publicist, writing press releases, assistance in arranging public appearances and other traditional means of selling books.

This company has entered into the electronic world in a big way and that undoubtedly can be an enormous help to any author who wants to sell books on a wide scale. As part of this company’s additional paid services, it will do such things help you set up an author website, get Barnes & Noble “See Inside the Book” service and get keyword search help with Google/Amazon.

In short, if you have written a book, iUniverse gives you just about everything you need to publish, market and sell your creation. If it is now just sitting there either on your computer or in printed manuscript form, perhaps examining what iUniverse has to offer would be a wise move toward reaching that treasured goal of being a published author.